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Your awesome guide: How to find your way on a climbing wall

climbing wall

Climbing walls have become increasingly popular in recent years, providing a thrilling and accessible way for individuals of all ages and abilities to experience the excitement of rock climbing in a safe and controlled environment. Whether you’re a seasoned climber or a complete beginner, this step-by-step guide will equip you with the knowledge and skills to conquer the climbing wall and reach new heights.

Benefits of Indoor Climbing

Indoor climbing offers a wholesome experience of physical and mental benefits that make it an ideal activity for individuals looking to stay fit, challenge themselves, and have fun. Not only does climbing engage your entire body, improving strength, flexibility, and endurance, but it also enhances problem-solving skills and boosts cognitive function. The sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that comes with completing a challenging route on the climbing wall is simply awesome! 

Safety First

Before you start your climbing adventure, it is crucial to prioritize safety. Climbing walls may seem like a safe environment, but accidents can happen if you neglect proper precautions. Always make sure to warm up your muscles and stretch before starting any climb to prevent injuries. It is also essential to wear appropriate gear, including a helmet, harness, and climbing shoes. Familiarize yourself with the climbing gym’s safety rules and regulations and follow them diligently. Never climb alone, and always have a spotter or belayer to ensure your safety. Remember, safety should always be your number one priority when climbing walls.

Our friendly staff is always there for you, so don’t hesitate to ask for help or clarification if you’re unsure about anything. 

man and woman at an awesome walls climbing centre looking excited for their beginner climbing experience

Types of Climbing Wall:

Climbing walls come in various forms, each offering a unique climbing experience. Understanding the different types can help you choose the one that suits your preferences and goals. The most common types of climbing walls include:

Top-Rope Climbing Walls: These walls feature a rope that runs from the climber, through an anchor at the top of the wall, and down to a belayer. The belayer’s role is to control the rope’s tension and catch the climber in case of a fall. Top-rope climbing walls are excellent for beginners as they provide a high level of safety.

Lead Climbing Walls: In lead climbing, the climber attaches the rope to their harness as they ascend, clipping it into pre-placed quickdraws. This type of climbing offers more freedom and challenges, requiring a higher level of skill and experience.

Bouldering Walls: Bouldering walls are shorter in height and don’t require ropes or harnesses. Climbers rely solely on their strength, technique, and problem-solving skills to navigate challenging routes. Bouldering walls often feature padded mats or crash pads to cushion falls.

Each type of climbing wall has its own set of challenges and rewards, so don’t be afraid to explore them all!    

Essential equipment for climbing walls   

To ensure a safe and enjoyable climbing experience, it is essential to have the right equipment. The most basic equipment includes a climbing helmet, harness, climbing shoes, and a chalk bag. The helmet protects your head from potential falls or flying debris, while the harness keeps you securely attached to the rope. Climbing shoes provide the necessary grip and support for your feet, and the chalk bag helps to keep your hands dry, reducing the risk of slipping. But don’t worry if you don’t have anything yet or you are not ready to invest, you can hire everything at our Awesome Walls centre. 

Basic techniques for climbing walls

Now that you what equipment is essential, it’s time to learn some basic climbing techniques. One of the fundamental techniques is the three-point contact rule, which states that you should always have three points of contact on the wall at all times. This ensures stability and balance while climbing. Another essential technique is using your legs more than your arms. Your legs are stronger and more endurance-focused, so utilising them efficiently will conserve your energy. Additionally, learning to read the climbing routes and plan your moves ahead of time will help you navigate the wall more effectively. Practise these techniques, and soon you’ll be climbing with confidence and finesse.

Progression and advanced techniques

As you gain more experience on the climbing wall, you can progress to more advanced techniques. One such technique is called “flagging,” where you extend one leg to the side to counterbalance your body weight. This allows you to reach holds that may be out of your reach otherwise. Another advanced technique is “dyno,” which involves making a dynamic leap from one hold to another. This requires precise timing and coordination, making it an exhilarating move to master. Remember, advancing in climbing requires patience, practice, and a willingness to push your limits. Embrace the challenge and watch yourself soar to new heights.

Climbing wall workouts and training

If you want to improve your climbing skills and strength, incorporating climbing-specific workouts and training into your routine is essential. Endurance training, such as traversing the wall for an extended period, helps build stamina and muscular endurance. Strength training exercises, like pull-ups and fingerboard workouts, target the specific muscles used in climbing. Core exercises, such as planks and Russian twists, improve your stability and balance. Additionally, flexibility training through yoga or stretching routines can enhance your range of motion and prevent injuries. By incorporating these workouts and training sessions into your routine, you’ll see significant improvements in your climbing abilities.

Overcoming fear and building confidence on the climbing wall

Fear is a natural part of climbing, especially when you’re starting out. It’s essential to acknowledge your fears and understand that it’s okay to feel scared. One way to overcome fear is to start small and gradually challenge yourself. Set achievable goals and celebrate your progress along the way. Building trust in your abilities and relying on your training and technique will help boost your confidence. Surround yourself with supportive climbers who can encourage and motivate you. Remember, climbing is not just about reaching the top but also about the journey and personal growth that comes with it. Embrace the fear, conquer it, and watch your confidence soar.

Reaching new heights with Awesome Walls

Climbing walls offer an exhilarating and rewarding experience that pushes you both physically and mentally. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced climber, there is always something new to learn and conquer on the climbing wall. So, reach for the summit, challenge yourself, and experience the thrill of reaching new heights. Happy climbing!

If you are feeling ready to hit the wall, check out our locations and get your membership today! Don’t forget to follow us on our social media! 

Ready to book your next climb? Click here for our UK walls | Click here for our Irish Walls


Eight weeks ago I was idly checking my social media when a friends post in our running group caught my eye.
‘I’m injured, does anyone want my Race Across Scotland place?’ As expected no one snatched up his offer as running 225 miles over Scotlands Southern Upland Way in under 100 hours appealed!
Funnily enough though a few people mentioned my name…
Whilst big epic running challenges are my thing, I felt with only six weeks notice and a lack of big training days, I wasn’t quite ready for such suffer fest.
I also had the slight complication that I had a 100 mile race two weeks before that one!

To cut a long story short I accepted the place, I only ran 40 miles of the 100 and arrived at Portpatrick on Friday the evening before the big race.

On Saturday 6am 163 of us set off heading East to push our bodies and minds to their limits.
As the miles clicked away we ate plenty and slept little but pushed on regardless.
Day 1, day 2, day 3 were a blur and eventually day 4 arrived.
Everyone was totally spent but with the finish line close (40+ miles) we needed to crack on and complete this epic journey.
Unfortunately many people had had to drop out along the course but 63 competitors pushed on.
After running for 85 hours and sleeping for less than 5 hours I eventually hit a pain barrier that tried to thwart my progress.
Blisters on four toes, the base of one foot and around both ankles brought me to a hobble/wobble!
I had a final nine miles to the finish and NOTHING was going to stop me. While I walked, hobbled, tripped and jogged, a few hardier runners passed me but we all had the same goal in mind.

I’m pleased to say that I crossed the finish line after 227 miles and 89 hours and raised an awesome £2100+ for Mind Charity (the JustGiving page is still open for donations

I had a good friend Dave Jones help me along the way with nutrition (pot noodles), kit (sweaty clothes) and encouragement (move it…). Without his tremendous support the outcome would not have been the same.

I’ve received so much positive support via emails, social media and personally that I can’t thank my supporters enough.

My years of climbing have taught me many things, but one of the most important things is ‘Stay Positive’.

Hope to see you at the climbing wall soon,

Dave Douglas